Nota is now being used for a great project for students.
With word-based pictures taken with cell phones and digital cameras, students work on Nota and create a message.
Have a look at this great project. They are really creative!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Educational Usecase -- "60 Words" project
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Review on Nota for educational use
Nota has been reviewed by teachers/educational professionals as an educational tool. Thank you for reviewing Nota.
Free Technology For Teachers: NOTA - Collaborative Web Page Builder
Nota was described as follows:
NOTA is an easy to use web page / online collage builder that is easy enough for elementary school students to use. NOTA is a good replacement or alternative to building traditional paper and glue collages. NOTA is also a good alternative to a wiki for assignments with a more visual rather than textual focus. I can even see NOTA being used in conjunction with an oral presentation in which students explain the significance of the various elements on their web page.
High School Collaboration Tools and Resources

Nota is shown as a tool for brain storming.

Review by a teacher in the United States.
De onderwijsvooruitzichten door John van Dongen

Review by a Dutch teacher.
We, Nota team, are very happy that Nota has been used in several schools for education. If there are any concern, comment or request, please feel free to contact us. We'd like to more better Nota for educational use.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Additional Articles about C-shirts in iSummit Sapporo
Here is another articles about C-shirts in iSummit Sapporo. We are very appreciated that this person seems enjoyed C-Shirts very much :-)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Articles about C-shirts in iSummit Sapporo
Many participates of iSummit Sapporo has reported about C-shirts. Here is some of the articles about C-shirts in iSummit Sapporo. We are very happy to hear that they enjoyed C-shirts. Thank you!
Summit blog
An A-Z for Sapporo and the 2008 iCommons Summit
iSummit report by loftwork
Can't wait to get my C-shirt today!
T-Shirt remixes by openDemocracy
Blog by mosslinkage
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Breaking News: Nota an Official Partner at Creative Commons iSummit '08 in Sapporo
Hey Everyone!
We are very excited as Nota is an official partner of Creative Commons at their iSummit in Sapporo, Japan. Here is a description of the event from the site:
Inspired by Japanese innovation and hosted in a city fast becoming recognized for its modern, creative, technology-orientated approach to business and public initiatives - this year's iSummit will be a ground-breaking event that showcases pioneering approaches to furthering digital culture around the world.
At our booth in iSummit we are showcasing our C-shirt concept using Nota technology to design and edit remixable shirt designs. Participants can print their own C-shirts right there. Some people are ordering as many as 7 at a time!
We have also added lots of great new Clip Art for everyone to use making new designs better all the time.
Note: for this special campaign we have temporarily opened registration to iSummit participants only and it will close on August 1.
As always, please feel free to share your opinions about Nota on our Contact page, or here in the comments.
Nota Community Guy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
All-New Feature From Your Feedback: Private Nota!
Hi Everyone!
I am happy to announce that our team has developed a new feature straight from your feedback: Private Nota.
If you visit your Home page there is a new layout with sections for your private and public nota via thumbnail view.
Here is how it works:
- From the home page, click the '+ new' button to start your desired type of nota
- If you want, share the URL of your private nota to collaborate with friends or peers
- If and when you want to make your nota public click 'remix it' to make a public copy
Now you can keep projects private indefinitely or just work on your creations until you are satisfied with the result and then make them popular.
Feature Note: Embedding a private nota will result in an access denied message in the frame.
The Nota team has immediately begun using this for our own purposes and we hope you find it useful too. =)
P.s. Don't hesitate to let us know what you think! We love implementing your feedback.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
New Features: Font Art, Post to Blogger & LiveJournal Buttons, and More
Hey everyone!
This week we are introducing three new features to make your Nota experience better:
- Font Art
- Embed straight to Blogger and LiveJournal buttons
- New Clip Art
With the Font Art feature you can select from 5 new fonts.
- Choose a font you like
- Enter your desired text
- Click 'add' - the tool will automatically render the Font Art in your nota canvas.
From there you can customize your new Font Art the same as a shape- move, resize, change colors, and adjust transparency.
This way you can have font options that add more personality to your nota and you dont have to wait while the page is loading entire font sets.
We have also added new clip art for you in edit mode with the theme 'Happy Drive' and there are some great characters and images to use (as seen in the Weekly Nota above). When you are all done and want to share your nota on Blogger and Live Journal you can use the new embed buttons for them in view mode.
Thats all for now, and here is your Tip of the Week:
Did you know you can use the Ctrl key+ the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out in edit mode?
This is very handy if you have moved a window off the normal screen and cant click on the move button or the X button to delete, or just want to get a zoomed out view of your whole nota.
Please leave us any ideas or feedback you might have!
The Nota Community Guy.
Nota Supports Flash Player 10
We inform you that Nota supports Adobe Flash 10.
We are currently testing Nota under Flash Player 10 beta 2, and it's running well.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Weekly Update: New Clip Art and Your Friend's Comments Feed
Hi everyone!
This week you have two cool updates:
- New Clip Art in the Sidebar to Play with and...
-Comments your friends have left on other Nota are now included in your news feed.
Beginning this week we will be adding new clip art to the sidebar weekly. We hope this will allow the creation of better and better creations all the time. Also, when you check your main news feed you may notice : "Ben left a new comment for Jen". Now you can enjoy the Nota your friends are commenting on.
And now, here is your Tip of the Week:
You can set a particular Nota to be displayed on your MyNota page by entering the page number into the settings customization page.
For example:
Leave us any comments or feedback you may have-- we would be happy to incorporate your ideas into the site.
The Nota Community Guy
Monday, July 7, 2008
Today's Nota -Fill The Ocean With Fish!-
Arcwind started a new drawing. Let's join to draw your fish!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Today's Nota -How the animal grows up-
The animal on the roreroica's board has been grown up!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New This Week: new MyNews and Clipart Features
Hey everyone!
This week we have two very cool new features:
1. Nota News - this shows you all the latest activity around your Nota
2. Clipart - the display for clipart is now an accordion style so you can more easily grab clipart (tons of new clipart will be added soon!)
Now through Nota News you can check for updates to all the different kinds of activity going on around you in Notaland. For now there are four feeds:
- an 'all' feed showing all Notaland activity
- a comments feed with all comments you have recieved on your Nota
- a shared feed with all activity in your shared Nota
- a ratings feed with all ratings you have recieved on your Nota
In the editing view you can now see clipart galleries expand in an accordion style that makes it much easier to use than the previous style with a drop box. Also, please look forward to see lots of new vector clipart for you to use in the near future.
Thats the news and....
Here is your Tip of the Week:
When you use the text tool you can choose a color for the text box background.If you highlight the text you can change its color, if you leave the selector at the end of the text you change the background color.
We have many big changes coming up to make Nota more fun and powerful.
Please give us any feedback or comments and we'll try our best to put them into effect on the site.
Thanks for enjoying Nota and please stay tuned for lots of great updates in the near future.
The Nota Community Guy
Monday, June 30, 2008
Today's Nota -let's play a game-
roeroica hosts an amazing game on Nota!
If you have a Nota account, let's join this board and complete it!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Weekly Update: Invitations, Profile Pictures, and Wikipedia
Hello Everyone,
Before we share the latest info about Notaland with you we want to say thank you for using our service, providing wonderful feedback, and recommending us to your friends!
This week's new releases are the addition of a profile picture feature, and wikipedia content search from the sidebar.
Go ahead and surf over to your settings page and you will see a browse button where you can upload a profile picture to appear on your MyNota page.
You can now also search for and drag wikipedia content from the sidebar of the Nota Mixer to enrich your creations.
And now, here is your Tip of the Week:
With the frame button at the top of the mixer you can add or remove the white border and cut your photos into different shapes with one click!
Please feel free to give us any and all feedback or comments you may have so we can accomodate your wants and needs as best as possible.
The Nota Community Guy
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New: Rating System and Related Nota View
Hello Everyone!
We have released two new features from our international development team this week.
You are now able to rate Nota from Awesome (5) to Keep Trying (1). You can also see thumbnails of related Nota in the viewing sidebar to explore other Nota you might be interested in.
Rating works on a one through five system where all of the ratings given will be used to create an average. The Nota with the highest average rating will join the new "Top Rated" gallery descending and in this way you decide which Nota will be popular.
In the sidebar of the Notum view there is now a related page section which displays Nota similar to the one being viewed. This is first done by the similarity of text contained within, and second by the user who has made it.
Finally, here is your Tip of the Week:
When editing a Notum you might have noticed some objects move to the front or the back automatically. The way this works: larger objects are automatically moved to the rear and smaller ones to the front.
Please enjoy our new features and feel free to give use any and all feedback or comments you may have.
The Nota Community Guy
Monday, June 16, 2008
Nota Review on "Creative Commons Blog"
Our C-Shirt project is reviewed on the Creative commons Blog by Tim Hwang.
Thank you.
We hope to make this active in the United States in the future!
Friday, June 13, 2008
iPhone Support
Now you can watch Nota on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Search, Permission, Embed Features and a New Use Tip
I'm happy to announce our development team has completed several new features this week.
You now have a handy search feature-- search Nota by keywords in their title and content text.
- The results can be sorted by relevance, date updated, and views.
- Also you can choose how they will be displayed - either a thumbnail view or detailed list view that allows you to read the text from within the Nota right there.
The next new feature being introduced today is the ability to allow or disallow commenting on your Nota.
Finally you now have advanced embedding options-- choose to embed the Nota itself or just an image of it and also change the size it will be displayed and Scrollbar options.
Tip of the Week
Did you know you can Ctrl+click any objects in a Nota to move them together just like you are used to on your OS?
Similarly, if you Shift+click objects you can proportionally resize them as well.
I didn't know this when I first used the Nota mixer but it has made changing layouts easier than ever!
Thank you and I hope you enjoy our service.
the Nota Community Guy
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Nota review on "Web Worker Daily"
Today Nota was reviewed on "Web Worker Daily" by Bob Walsh.
We love Bob's idea about using Nota as a virtual break room bulletin board. That is the most exciting part of working here: seeing our users find new and creative ways to use the service all the time. We want you to use it for what-you-want and our intentions are no loftier than that.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Today's Nota -Alexander Valley Wineries-
shizzlelizzle is using the Nota Mixer to create a wonderful winery map of Alexander Valley.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Today's Nota -satsuki's "Notaland" using "Notalink"-
satsuki enjoys using Nota's new function: Notalink. By using Notalink, you can add a thumbnail link to another Nota from within your own Nota.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Nota Usage Possibilities and the "C-Shirt" Project
What is a C-shirt?
Our vision is to create a free-mixing/editing area on the web. Anyone can use the Nota Mixer to express themselves. Because we believe that Nota has many possibilities and in order to show one of them we proposed a Creative Commons (CC)-licensed T-Shirt project which we call C-Shirts.
C-shirt History
In 2004 the developer of Nota technology, Isshu Rakusai, developed a CC-licensed T-shirt creating and remixing tool with the help of some content providers, and introduced it in a Creative Commons workshop as the C-Shirt project. For more details, please refer to this article written by Lawrence Lessig. In 2007, Isshu and some of the Creative Commons staff demonstrated C-shirts in i Summit 2007 (June 2007) and in an event put on by Mozilla Firefox (September 2007). The C-shirt project is just a prototype but even you can order your own from our C-Shirt website via a vendor in Japan if you can read Japanese.
Enjoy All of Nota's Uses!
As we mentioned, the C-Shirt project is just one prototype which shows some of Nota's possibilities. We would love it if you enjoy Nota's functions, imagine new possibilities, and create wonderful things.
In order to avoid the confusion of our users, we would like to clarify the following:
- We had the idea to put a "Quick Read code" on the C-Shirt but it has not been realized yet.
- Nota Inc. is not a T-shirt vendor, but a web service company.
- Nota Inc. is not a "Japanese" company. The founder Isshu Rakusai is originally from Japan and the Nota concept originated in Japan but Nota Inc. is a Silicon Valley, California based U.S. Corporation founded in December 2007.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
New Nota Facebook Application and More
Hello Everyone,
First I would like to introduce myself briefly as I am new with Nota.
My name is Ben Foden. As the Community Guy I hope to talk with all of you in order to make Nota the best experience possible. I am currently an undergraduate student of International Business at Whittier College. I was born and raised in Mountain View, CA (now Google's hometown too).
Aside from that I would like to introduce Scrapbook, our new Facebook Application!
You can check it out here.
Scrapbook gives you the familiar Nota editing frame along with access to your Facebook Album and tagged photos. You can drag and drop into the editor and then easily post them to your wall for sharing with your friends.
Check it out today and please let us know what you want on the new Contact Us page at
Thank you for all your support and any feedback is much appreciated.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Nota review on "Read Write Web"
Nota is reviewed by Marshall Kirkpatrick on "Read Write Web"
Thank you.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
New MyNota Design
Hi everyone,
We have changed the design of the"My Nota" page and improved several existing features.
The New "My Nota" Page
Now you get a big picture of your latest Nota on the top and thumbnails of past Nota down below. By clicking the "show more" link you can go see the rest of your Nota.
Easy and accurate font size control
Just click "A+" or "A-" to control the text size. You don't need to select the numbers but if you want to choose a specific font size you can input a number manually.
Add a link to other Nota pages in your Nota canvas
Find other Nota in your sidebar.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today's Nota -Mountains which sachiko3 climbed-
Our user sachiko3 has created a Nota about mountains she climbed in Japan.
See her trip reports detailed with many beautiful photos.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Experience "Simultaneous Editing" Now!
Have you already enjoyed Nota's great "Simultaneous Editing" function? If you havent experienced it yet then come check it out now!
Cappy the friendly capybara is always active on the following board ( Let's enjoy editing this page together with Cappy and friends!
To get started just click the "nota" button in the upper-left corner of the frame below.
You may enjoy real time chat with Cappy:)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Today's Nota -Nota for history study-
Today Nota is used in history class:
Good job!
Friday, May 16, 2008
We created Nota Special Tshirts
After our Nota Release Campaign, we created hand-made special T-shilts for our dear first users. They look pretty nice, right?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sidebar from right to left
We moved the sidebar of "My Nota" and Editing Page from right to left and simplified the header.
We Hope you like our new design!
Nota Review by Mr. Lawrence Lessig
In 2006, Nota was reviewed in Lawrence Lessig's blog.
He says:
Nota is the most extraordinary Web page generating technology I’ve seen. It too builds upon Creative Commons licenses, by using assets that are CC licensed. And it offers an amazing WYSIWYG Web editing ability. Think of a large whiteboard, which can be “edited” in just the way you might “edit” a whiteboard – with a marker or with photos taped to the wall.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Featured Page
Today, we released our "featured" page for popular Nota.
You can check out the featured Nota here:
You will also see featured Nota on the home page from now on.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Nota on your blog!
Nota can be embedded into your blog or into your website. For example:
Erin & Ted's Family Log
LeKaiNo StRaDivAriUs
lubomir's Tennis Blog
How to embed?
After creating your Nota page, click "view" button on the top-left corner.
Then, click "Embed" on the right box.
Copy the code and paste it in your blog.
Enjoy Nota!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today's Nota -The Nitrogen Cycle-
Nota is used as a whiteboard for studying Nitrogen Cycle. Thank you!
Nota review on "POSONTY"
Nota is reviewed on POSONTY (in Spanish).
It says (translated by Google):
As if to refrigerator magnets will deal with imported components can be prepared in any way on the same page, allowing be commented and customized by several people at once.Thank you!
When shares the page with your friends you can interact with an internal chat, giving, with this, all the features necessary to share the experiences of a trip, for example.
Nota review on "NetWebApp"
Nota is cited on "NetWebApp". Thank you!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Nota review on "Teknowledg-E-Matters"
Nota is reviwed on "Teknowledg-E-Matters"
The post "Nota - Cool Web2.0 Tool!!" says:
This is a new one. I have been testing out many note-taking Web 2.0 tools and love this one. Create a free Nota page at and allow others to edit and/or comment. It reminds me a little of voicethread, but allows for much more. Check out the how to page. It is so easy post photos, clipart, google maps, movies and more…. Jpeg, png, bmp, gif, mp3, swf, doc, xls, ppt, pdf, and any other formats are allowed. Big image files will be automatically compressed. I’m thinking (virtual fieldtrips, digital stories…J, collaborative projects etc… ) Embed the page or share the link. Get students to build content and collaborate. They will love this one! It’s a wiki, but without the boundaries. Leave me a comment or join and edit my page.
Have fun with this one. Oh wait, are we allowed to have fun and teach at the same time? Of course!! J
Happy Monday!
Thank you very much!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Nota review on "De onderwijsvooruitzichten door John van Dongen"
Nota was reviewed on "De onderwijsvooruitzichten door John van Dongen" (in Dutch).
The article "NOTA, iets om te onthouden!!" says:
NOTA, something to remember!
Collect texts, photos, movies pieces of web's basically everything ... Put it on NOTA and share it with your students, friends, fellows or just with everyone. It is a simple and free application, which in turn could provide unprecedented opportunities for educational applications.
It makes my weblog in any case a vivid piece .... I ga in any case often use!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Nota review on ""
Nota is bookmarked on "", and getting comments such as
"Nota (similar to Jottit as a website-creation tool) may be useful for classroom applications for students to create a website where they can display their online projects.."
Thank you!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Nota review on "genbeta"
"Nota, nuestro tablo'n virtual" (in Spanish)
The post says:
Nota, our virtual board
What you seem to have a virtual bulletin board where placing texts, videos, images and maps, among other Internet content? So that is what enables Nota, a simple web application that allows us to generate as many boards as we like to raise them in our files in jpeg, PNG, BMP, GIF, mp3, swf, doc, xls, ppt, pdf, besides other formats. We can also import images from a url, look at Flickr, Picasa and / or Facebook, maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos, and add elements of clipart available.
We can also add comments, insert geometric shapes and paint where they want, all with the ability to edit and share it with colleagues, for which we can build our network of contacts and invite some of them, and those who are not users through e-mail.
Thus we have a kind of virtual table to share these elements, and echándole a little imagination. get a good use of it.
Thank you!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Nota review on "FEEDMYAPP"
Nota is reviewed on "FEEDMYAPP" as a Share Photo Video Web 2.0 Applications & Sites.
Thank you!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Nota review on "wwwhatsnew"
Nota is reviewed on "wwwhatsnew" (in Spanish).
The article "NOTA - Videos, fotos, textos y chat en una misma página" says (Translated by Google):
NOTA - videos, photos, texts and chat at a glance
* Juan Diego Polo
* April 22, 2008
* Wikis and creating websites
Scored can import photos, videos, maps and google catches your webcam on a page reserved for each user.
As if to refrigerator magnets will deal with imported components can be prepared in any way on the same page, allowing be commented and customized by several people at once.
When sharing the page with your friends you can interact with an internal chat, giving, with this, all the features necessary to share the experiences of a trip, for example.
The result may also be disclosed in your personal blog, increasing the audience of work.
Thank you!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Nota review on "killerstartups"
Nota is reviewed on "killerstartups".
Thank you!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Nota review on "Simple Spark"
Nota is reviewed on "Simple Spark" as a tool for creating group scrapbooks, travelogues, club websites, party invitations, and interactive, multimedia personal blogs, or even doing chat. Thank you!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Nota review on "Web marketing blog"
Nota is reviewed on "Web marketing blog" (in Japanese).
They seem to enjoy our comment function:)
Thank you!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Nota review -GO2WEB20-
Nota is cited on
Thank you!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Nota review on "web2null"
Nota is reviewed on "web2null" (in German).
The post says (translated by Google):
Thank you!NOTA: Together interactive to Web
With NOTA can be done with several people design Web pages, for example, on a joint vacation or a party to report. You can text, images, maps and videos in the site and notes with a pen to add.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Nota review on "Communication Arts"
Nota is cited on "Communication Arts".
It says:
Thank you!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Resize and rotate Youtube Video
Today, we have released folloing functions:
- Users can now rotate and resize Youtube videos!
- New "view | edit" mode-switching button
- The Comment cursor will appear over the canvas.
- Tooltips for the editing tool
- Simplified & smarter insert function.
- Big header including subtitle for your Nota.
We hope you have fun with these functions!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
New Web Canvas "NOTA" Beta Version Launched
NOTA Inc. is launching NOTA, a new web service for bloggers, social networkers, and artists of all ages that takes creative community building on the internet to a whole new level.
What is NOTA?
NOTA is a social canvas. Friends, colleagues, and groups can simultaneously create and collaborate on fun, interactive websites. First, quickly and easily pull in text, movies, photos, maps, and more from across the web. Then, mix and edit and see friends' changes in real time. Users can create group scrapbooks, travelogues, club websites, party invitations, and interactive, multimedia personal blogs, or even chat with a full plate of multimedia tools.
NOTALAND Features:
Ease of Use
With NOTA setting up webpages has never been easier. Material is imported quickly and easily from sources like Flickr, YouTube,, Wikipedia, and Google maps, or can be uploaded from the user's own computer and even straight from a webcam. All the material can be pasted, scaled to size, rotated and moved around on the canvas to create custom multimedia webpages.
Unique to NOTA, users can simultaneously update the same canvases and interact with each other around the world. 500-1,000 people at a time can work together to create dynamic webpages, chat with art and design, and comment on each other's work!
Powerful Tools
- Search functions allow users to pull in pictures, videos, maps, and other content from across the web.
- Editing tools allow users to draw, crop, add text, and add shapes
- "Take a shot" feature allows users to add shots from a webcam straight into NOTA
- Canvases can be sent by email, embedded into blogs, or viewed directly on the internet as webpages
NOTA Launch Promotion
As a special launch promotion, the first 100 users who create 3 or more NOTA pages will receive a special gift! For details, visit our campaign site at
(we're sorry the campaign is now over)
About NOTA Inc.
NOTA Inc. was incorporated in December 2007 by the inventor of the technology behind NOTA, Isshu Rakusai. The company's vision is to facilitate an online world where anyone can create and remix information easily.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
New Feature Update - Comment -
Now we have added three new features: WatchList, Comment, and New MyPage.
You can add your friends on your Nota by clicking the "Add to WatchList" button on someone's nota. If someone in your WatchList has updated pages, you can see the name of friends has bold styling.
Put stylish comments anywhere on the pages. It's easy, quick, and fun! Just try it.
New MyPage
We updated your Nota top page. Now it has a better design than ever before. You can even customize the header or background colors by clicking the "Settings" button.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Grab it!!
We have released a new interface for Nota.
In the new Nota, the "Grab it" function is accentuated.
Enjoy it!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Nota is the world's first interactive web canvas!
Hi Everyone,
We changed our catch phrase for Nota. It says:
Nota is the world's first interactive web canvas where you can stylishly express yourself in no time.
I like the word "web canvas" because it stands for the free editing feature of Nota.
Besides, our new logo phrase is going to be "Grab it. Make it. Share it". It simply represents "Remix" in three words. I hope all of you like this.
You can see our meeting log here on my Nota.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Take a Shot!
Now, our new web service 'Take a Shot' has been made available to the public.
It's a very easy service, yet very powerful--
now Nota has a webcam eye.
Please tell your friends or families about 'Take a Shot'.
We are very appreciative of any feedback you might have.
Thank you!
Visit Take a Shot
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
We fixed sign up bugs
Thanks to Regina's feedback, we fixed some sign up bugs today.
I have been having difficulties with the Notaland site this morning. I wanted Isshu to be aware of the problem and try to resolve it. I wonder if other users have encountered the same?.......
Add Nota Slideshows in your Blogger
We found out that we can add Nota Slideshow into Blogger very easily.
We added them in this post so you can see how it works.
If you use Blogger, please give it a try.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The US MAC Team for Nota
I would like to introduce the US MAC marketing team.
They are helping us to organize focus groups and to help make our marketing plan.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Sanfrancisco (Nota Instruction Video)
Happy New Years!
Hiroyo created our first Nota Instruction Video.
In this video, you can see how to embed a nota page as shown above.
Check it out now!
To get more fine pictures, click here.
We appreciate your comments on this video.